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Archive for the tag “Light”

Luke is ONE!!

Been a little busy, so this post is a little late. Luke turned ONE in May.

Wow, what a year! I cannot believe that our baby boy is ONE year old already. What a joy he has been to us this year.

I am thrilled to report that he is (almost) perfectly healthy. He is 28 inches long, and 19 pounds. He is anemic, and we are doing iron therapy with him – basically just loading him up on iron every day, in hopes that his body will start producing more iron on it’s own.

He has been an army crawler, and the week of his birthday finally started getting up on his hands and knees to crawl.

He pulls up on the furniture, but hasn’t figured out how to get back down, so he gets very angry. It’s pretty cute.

He loves to climb, and keep momma on her toes!

He’s a climber too!

His first word was ma-ma. He also says da-da, and bye-bye. My dad swears he heard him say Wo-Wo (would you like to guess what my dad is called??)

He is learning to sign. He has “more” and “food” down! The boy loves to eat!!

The boy loves his food, but he is also willing to share.

He adores all of the people in his life. Especially his daddy and sister. Also our dog.

Here, boy! It’s for you!

Luke’s name means “light”, and while I was pregnant with him that became my prayer – that Luke would be a shining light, used for Gods glory – Acts 13:47 “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”

So much has gone on and changed this year, but this little boy continues to be a light to all those who meet him.

Such a happy boy!

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